The College Scholarship And Financial Assistance Committee under the headship of college Principal plays a pivotal role in the implementation of various central /UT sponsored scholarship schemes(especially Post-Matric Scholarship For Minorities Cs) aimed to lend a helping hand to the students from BACKWARD CLASSES, ST’s, PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED,PAHARI SPEAKING PEOPLE. All the requisite information regarding these schemes offered by Ministry Of Minority Affairs, Jammu And Kashmir Social Welfare Department, Jammu And Kashmir Pahari Advisory Board etc is available for the deserving and eligible students on the college website as well as displayed at different spots in the college campus.

Besides the online scholarships financed the Government, the college offers every year a substantial amount as financial assistance in offline mode out of student aid fund to the students belonging to (IAY,PHH,BPL,ORPHAN,PHYSICALLY CHALLEGED,BROKEN FAMILIES,PARENTS WITH CHRONIC DISEASES ) categories subject to the fulfillment of conditions laid down by the college administration. It is a matter of privilege to express that the college is one of the earliest designated facilitation centre for verification of PMSSS forms.

Financial aid/scholarship is granted to the students belonging to poor families by the college. Many other scholarships are provided to the students belonging to minorities by Govt. every year. Students of Reserved categories like SC ST etc are entitled to receive financial assistance under various schemes of central Government, social welfare and Higher education department Jammu and Kashmir. Students are advised to develop habit of reading notices on the notice board/website for information and procedure. The list of scholarships /financial assistance schemes is as under.


 Faculty Members

Mr. Mudasir Ahmad Najar.
Designation > Assistant Professor
Qualification : English
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