The institution attaches top most priority to the discipline, which is a basic requisite for conducive academic atmosphere. Besides the members of College Discipline Committee, members of teaching and non-teaching staff closely monitor the behaviour of college inmates. The students are advised to adhere to following rules during their stay in the institution:

  • Ragging is strictly prohibited and any student indulging in this unlawful activity will have to face cancellation of his/her admission from the institution.
  • Only the students possessing a valid Identity Card of the institution are allowed inside the campus.
  • Students should present their selves in a formal attire while attending the institution.
  • Cell Phones are completely banned, the students are advised not to bring any cell phone, computers, laptops or cameras to the institution.
  • Students getting private vehicles should register their vehicle numbers with the institution.
  • Smoking or carrying toxic substances shall invite a strict disciplinary action.
  • No student is allowed to take law in his own hand. In case any student has a grievance, this should be addressed to in charge of the grievance cell or the Head of the institution.