Baramulla Degree College has been trying to make significant marks in defined areas of academic activities being relevant to the needs of society and in meeting the challenges of the national educational order. The college has grown and ramifies in different directions showing a visible upward trend in the areas of teaching and learning; in quality research and publication; in development of infrastructure and support facilities in creation of new laboratories; in offering innovative academic programmes of inter-disciplinary mode; and in proliferating our extension services and outreach programmes. The college has adopted a systematic and proactive approach in designing and updating curricula in response to societal needs and changing requirements of a globalized order. Designing of the curricula involve the twin objectives of inculcation of transferable skills and social responsibilities with a view to ensuring innovations, and employability of the students.
The college offers 29 under- graduate and 3 post graduate programmes approved by apex statutory regulatory authorities. A brief summary of all departments are outlined as follows.
Among the faculties of language and arts, the department of English is one of the oldest departments of the college. The department accommodates students from diverse educational backgrounds and sufficiently prepares them to become independent language learners. The department further enhances students critical and analytical, promotes academic honesty and equips them with necessary language to succeed at the academic and professional arena. The department of English has emerged as the renowned departments of collage as its alumni occupy esteemed position in academic.
The faculty of language is accomplished by the departments of Urdu. The departments of Urdu provides the flexibility in the course of language by offering subject as modern Indian language (MIL) and enables the students with better communication skills, anchoring and stage direction.
The faculty of language is accomplished by the departments of Urdu. The departments of Urdu provides the flexibility in the course of language by offering subject as modern Indian language (MIL) and enables the students with better communication skills, anchoring and stage direction.
In the wake of global demand, the collage facilitates students to equip with the skill of learning and speaking Arabic and Panjabi language. The learners are exposed to and provide deep insight into the culture and literary heritage contexts.
The college further extended for the fulfilment of aura of language and literature. Hindi teaching and promotion of Hindi language are still concerned major issues of the Kashmir valley. The department of Hindi is actively involved in this cause. The department right from its inception has treated Hindi as an integrated, multifaceted and multi-dimensional subject.
To facilitate and equip students with knowledge of material well-being through exchange and trade. The departments of economics, commerce and business management coordinate their curriculum activates and commitments to serve the same. For that departments of commerce and business management provide and inculcate academic and professional base to pursue career in accounting, finance and management. The corporate sector across the nation values our and BBA graduates for their intellectual abilities and business knowledge. The students are further complemented by the departments of economics on relevance of the subject to current economic problems of the world.
The collage also operates with faculties of social and behavioural science to provide knowledge related to culture, civilization, society in an interdependent world. For that departments of sociology introduce students to the basic social process of the society, social institutions, and pattern of social behaviour. Students interested in social l science are further complimented with the knowledge of political system, values of justice, and equality by the departments of political science. The social understanding, logic, ethics and reasoning part of behavioural studies is inculcated by the departments of philosophy. The departments regularly conduct prestigious program of teaching the course
In addition to the above mentioned faculties, department of history familiarize students with the significant developments of history across the world. To imbibe learning outcome-based curriculum framework the faculty of history is committed to make the students capable of interpreting the events rather than narrating the facts. The department strives to aspire students to actively participate in socio-political debates and thereby prepare them for both academic and employability with concise and thorough introduction to the discipline of history.
The Department of education shares common root with the rest of social science faculties. The department has been considered envisaged as common thread across the faculties of social science. The department of education is contributing substantially by empowering students educationally, morally, socially. It further enables our students to explore the relationship between personal and social world and develop responsibility not only to them but also to the broader society by integrating a variety of ideas into own informed perspectives.
In complement to the principles and values of life learn through education the college also provides opportunity to its students to learn based on personal experience, through thinking and observation. For that department of philosophy aims at improving critical thinking skills among our students. The department of philosophy nourishes its students to comprehend the basis of philosophical understanding which enables them to arrive at a logical and systematic theory of education.
Moreover, the need for exposure and application of social science knowledge is met by the department of social development. The department through its efforts encourages its students to put theories learned in social and allied subjects into practice and interface directly with the public. The department prepares students to manufacture solutions to rectify the collective problems pertinent to the social and material aspects of life.
The college is looking forward to be at the forefront of science department in the valley. For that the science block of our college is committed to instill our students with an ability to apply knowledge of applied science like mathematics, chemistry, physics and life science in a way to design and conduct experiments within realistic constraints. The department of mathematics emphasizes on developing understanding among its students to gain knowledge in foundational areas of mathematics. At post graduate level the department is dedicated to develop ability to think critically logically and analytically and hence use mathematical reasoning. The department introduces the students to a number of interesting and useful ideas in preparation for a number of mathematics careers in education, government sector as well as industry.
Considering the relationship between mathematics and physics axioms our college is ensures organized coordination for the same. The department of physics emphasizes the role of physics in life and other discipline like mathematics and chemistry. It also aims at developing ability of deal with physical models and formulas mathematically. Among the spectrum of applied science department, the chemistry department pledges itself to encourage the advancement of chemistry in the broadest and most liberal manner. The chemistry department of the college envisions that it would be recognized by the institute f highest learning of excellence in teaching and mentorship of students. The department cooperates effectively with other departments to offer interdisciplinary programmes in clinical bio-chemistry and environmental science.
In the field of life science, the learners of zoology department gain knowledge and skills in the fundamentals of animal science, understand complex interactions among various living organisms through sincere efforts of teachers. In addition to the knowledge of life science, the department of Botany is devoted to comprehend functional categories of plant science and develop scientific literacy among students.
The department of Environmental science address local as well national and international problems by educating future generations about the issues and nurturing best environmental practices by preaching and therefore serving generation to come.