The Career Counseling Cell of the College is housed in the Library Block

The Career Counseling Cell caters to the Career guidance and Career development needs of the students.The CCC organizes Career awareness programmes, Workshops and events to address the overall Career needs of the Students.

The career Counseling Cell is responsible for conducting remedial coaching classes for PG entrance exams,Workshops and Interactive sessions for Civil services aspirants and other allied examinations

In Collaboration with Directorate of EMployment Baramulla , the Cell organizes orientation programmes to expose students to diversity of career options after their graduation

  • Resource material for UPSC,PSC,IBPS,CAT,MAT,JAM,IEEE,JKCET and allied competitive examinations

  • Career guidance while choosing subjects for obtaining graduation during Ist year admissions

  • Helping students to identify their core competencies while opting for a Career whether in the Industry or in Academics

  • Building the Alumni by collecting information through web Registrations

  • Encouraging student participation in Workshops,Seminars,Debates and other career related events

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